Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Train Of His Robe Filled The Temple


I've been so overwhelmed by everything happening... I don't even know what to say.

I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple. Above him were seraphs, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet,and with two they were flying. And they were calling to one another: "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty;
the whole earth is full of his glory."
~Isaiah 6:1~

As our praise goes up, His glory comes down! God's glory was the thickest last night that I've felt it since I arrived last Thursday. There were 8 people who got up out of their wheel chairs and walked! There has been so much going on I've barely had time to journal about it. (That and the lack of internet has caused a bit of a delay in posts).

So to recap...

The Outpouring began on April 2, 2008 when Todd Bentley came to speak in a 1,500 seat church - Ignited Church. By April 24th the meetings had to be moved to a 3,000 seat church - Auburndale Life Church, with still 600-1000 people standing outside the building. The meetings were moved again just 4 days later to an 8,000 seat facility - The Lakeland Center. Now just 4 days later (starting on Friday) we will be at Joker Marchant's Stadium, (home of the Lakeland Tigers),
which has a capacity of 9,000 (probably more like 10,000-15,000 if they put seating on the field).

Joker Marchant Stadium - seats 10,000+


Here are some of the prophetic words that we've been hearing here per Todd Bentley and other guests.

Per Todd Bentley:

  • This anointing is contagious and transferable
  • He believes this is the ‘3rd wave’ – A tsunami wave of His Power will go to the four corners of the earth
  • Coast to coast with the Holy Ghost
  • We’re going to begin to walk in an incredible realm of faith
  • We are about to be released into the greatest outpouring
  • There will be a consistency of Healing Revival
  • Media Explosion/Media Revival
  • CNN has contacted Todd about coming
  • News Channel 10 came the next night after Todd said this!
  • Fox 13 has been in here.
  • News Channel 9 has been in here as well.
  • Mantle of Creative Miracles is being released
  • Tue night, as Todd was praying for pastors and leaders in California and prophesying about revival hitting Northern California, an earthquake measuring 5.2 on the Richter scale hit Northern CA.

Per John Kilpatrick & Steve Hill:

  • God is raising the bar to release the New Sound – Fierceness like a Lion!
  • Acts (ref. Joel) – These are not drunk… it’s only the 3rd hour… It shall come to pass … pour out flesh
  • Joel Generation
  • Revival will ruin you forever
  • Luke 21 & Matt 24 – whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. We are coming into a time where we will see some of the greatest signs of the end times.

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