Monday, April 28, 2008

Holy Ghost From Coast To Coast

I ran into some of my friends here in FL; (I met them on the 'God's Summer Of Love Tour' last summer. They are with a group from Redding, CA - Bethel Church; Pastor Bill Johnson).

They were on their way to a meeting last week and picked up a man named 'Skip' off the road (on the off ramp). He was holding a sign ‘Stroke Victim - Veteran’… He was asking for money. My friends didn’t have any cash to give him so they put him in the back of the truck with them and took him to the revival meeting.

On the way there Skip mentioned that he wanted new clothes, so my friends told him to pray and ask Jesus for some new clothes. Twenty minutes later they pulled up into the parking lot and someone handed Skip new clothes!

The glory of God was so thick in the building that Skip's shoulder was healed without anyone ever praying for him! Later he testified of God's touch and goodness before the world on GodTV.

Here are some Testimonies so far:

  • Man had left eye healed and sight being restored
  • A person from Kentucky watched a VHS taped session with a word of knowledge for a hip being healed, and their hip was healed!
  • Someone received 4 gold teeth – the crowns are gone!
  • 50 people had a phone conference call to listen to the revival
  • Morning Star – Revival is breaking out there and they are now holding meetings for the past 5 days. K-12 are being revived as are the parents. This took place after 2 of the MSM students came to FL to receive impartation.
  • United Kingdom – one pastor came to FL – Todd prayed for him. He went back and invited anyone who wanted to come for impartation… 1,500 showed up and they are having extended meetings now!
  • Todd’s daughter Esther saw an angel on Sunday night – a white golden light. The angel was praying for Todd and then ministering to the sick on the stage. The same night it was reported that an 8 year old girl watching LIVE on GodTV saw an angel fly out of the tv where it had been ministering to the sick, flew out of the tv and into the room where she was, past her and down the hall to minister to a woman in a wheelchair who was suffering from MS. The woman was completely healed of MS.
  • 8 people walked out of their wheel chairs in one night!
  • 2 women were healed of Spinal Cyculosis (?) – both women ended up on the stage at the same time (they didn’t know each other). One was in a wheel chair. Todd had the woman being healed of this pray for the woman (in the wheel chair) who had the same condition; both were healed and the woman came out of her wheel chair! We saw her later pushing her wheel chair around just smiling!
  • One woman who came up in a wheel chair was miraculously healed and it was reported that she was seen pushing her friend (who had pushed her into the meeting) around in the wheel chair!
  • News Channel 10 news reporter Melanie Brooks was healed of migraine headaches, Todd prophesied about her being an Esther, being promoted and taking this power to those she influences (kings/govts/leaders/etc). (You can read the news article below).
  • Woman was in a car accident and confined to a wheel chair for the past year and three months, was healed and walked out of her wheel chair!
  • A woman who has not been able to bend her back since 1988 due to 48 inches of metal in her spine and has been confined to a wheel chair was walking and beginning to have more flexibility in her back to be able to start bending over. (I’ve personally been watching this woman for the past week).
  • A secular radio station in Canada has contacted Todd about airing the revival meetings on SECULAR RADIO!
  • 2 Secular Radio stations in Ireland have contacted Todd about airing the revival meetings!
  • CNN was put on hold last night as the woman conversing with them was on the stage with Todd being healed! There’s a Media Revival Coming!
  • After the debt cancellation anointing on Monday night a person wrote in about a $36,000 debt on mortgage. They were selling and the next day after watching the Monday night meeting and receiving the debt cancellation anointing they received a phone call that they were closing on their house as early as the next day and that the $36,000 was going to be forgiven!
You don't have to physically be here to be healed!

Many people have watched the meetings LIVE via the internet or GodTV and have been healed! I've seen many people with prayer clothes (Acts 19:11-12), people holding up pictures and holding up cell phones for people to hear as Todd calls out the Words of Knowledge (Proverbs 23:12).

A woman holds the pictures of loved ones and the phone up so they could listen as Todd ministered.

Another holds up pictures of loved ones in need of healing and creative miracles.

A woman makes a phone call when Todd called out a word of knowledge for a specific infirmity.

God has left the building!

Must we continue to attempt to keep Him 'inside the box'??

We are witnessing these creative miracles and healings right here in Florida but God is EVERYWHERE, and is healing people through cell phones, text messages, web streaming, and the tv (even previously taped (VHS) sessions!). Could this be part of what a 'Media Revival' looks like?

Read the article from News Channel 10: REVIVAL HEALINGS

Someone ran to the stage with their cell phone after Todd spoke a word of knowledge about a deaf ear opening up. A deaf woman is healed and begins to hear as Todd prays with her over a cell phone!

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